Thursday, December 23, 2010

Swiss Chard and Manouri Ravioli, braised artichokes, chanterelle mushrooms, egg/lemon sause

3 raviolis

5 pieces braised artichoke

8 pieces braised chanterelle mushrooms

1 ounce baby chard

5 pieces braised oil cure olive

2 ounces egg lemon sauce

Salt & pepper to taste

Cook ravioli for 3 minutes in boiling salted water.

Warm next 4 ingredients in sauté pan with a little of braising oil until chard is wilted; add ravioli toss and season.

Place ravioli and vegetable onto medium oval plate, spoon sauce around and garnish with a little of the braising oil.

For Egg Lemon Sauce:

1 cup diced onion

½ cup diced shallot

1 T. chopped garlic

2 Tbsp extra virgin oil

1 bay leaf

½ cup lemon juice

6 cups vegetable stock

1 cup egg yolks

Salt and fresh pepper

2 t. fennel pollen

Place first 5 ingredients in a stainless steel pot and cook until soft but not brown over medium low heat.

Add stock bring to a simmer, skim any scum that rises to the surface and cook for 20 minutes.

Add lemon juice, season and temper in egg yolks.

Cook until sauce coats back of spoon; strain in to container and add fennel pollen; chill

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