Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tonos Tartare

4 oz tuna # 1 or # 2 + diced small
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp olive oil extra virgin
1 tsp chives cut small
Sea salt & white pepper to taste

1 Tbsp. taramosalata for garnish
¼ tsp tobiko caviar [black]
1 tsp balsamic reduction
1 pc of frisse for garnish

Place the cut tuna In a stainless still bowl and add the olive oil , lemon , chives and the sea salt and pepper mix well.
Use a 3” ring and pack the tuna tight
Place the taramosalata in the plate and top with the tobiko
Garnish with the balsamic reduction and frisse and serve

Kali Orexi

Chef Greg Zapantis