Friday, August 28, 2009

Tsipoura Spetsiota style

Oven Baked Tsipoura

Serves 2
One two lb. whole Tsipoura
Or you can substitute with American Red Snapper or any type of whole fish.

4 oz. extra virgin olive oil.
3 pc garlic gloves
2 medium shallots
1 pc of fresh thyme
1 whole tomato.
1/3 cup cappers
1/4 cup lemon juice
10 oz. white wine
8-10 pc fingerling pot
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Wash and dry the whole fish. Dress the fish with the lemon juice salt and pepper and set aside for 30 – 45 minutes. Heat the olive oil in a sauté pan add the fish and seared it on both sides. Slice and add the shallots and the garlic in the pan sautéed for an additional 3- 4 minutes. Add the sliced tomato and fresh herbs.
Deglaze with the white wine add the potatoes. Place the sauté pan in the oven and bake it for 30- 40 minutes at 375
Serve with a good glass of Retsina wine

Kali Orexi

Chef Gregory Zapantis

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