Sunday, November 8, 2009


5 1/2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup semolina flour
1 tsp. Vanilla powde
5 pc. Large eggs
1 lb (20 pc) fillo sheets
½ lb butter, unsalted melted

In a heavy-bottomed 3-quart saucepan over medium flame, add milk, sugar, vanilla and stir in 2-3 Tbsp. of the farina. Remove from heat and stirring continuously, adding the remaining farina. Return to flame and continue stirring to boiling point. Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl and while stirring vigorously, slowly add to the semolina mixture. Continue to stir mixture over heat until boiling point and then remove from flame. Add butter and set aside stirring occasionally to prevent from forming a crust.

Lightly brush a 9- by 13-inch baking pan with melted butter. Line the first layer with sufficient length of phyllo so that phyllo sheet is hanging over the sides of pan. Butter generously and repeat process with layers two and three. Continue layering bottom with seven more layers of phyllo, buttering between every layer. Pour custard evenly in the pan over the fillo.
Fold the overhanging fillo over the custard buttering the overlapping corners. Layer eight more sheets of fillo, buttering between all layers with the top 3-4 layers being complete sheets fitting the dimensions of the pan. With a sharp knife, score only the top 2-3 layers of the fillo with small perforations to make square or diamond patterns, and brush generously with butter.
Bake in a pre-heated, 325 degree oven, for 45 minutes, or until fillo is golden and crispy.

2 cups sugar
2 cups water
Peel of 1 orange or lemon
2 Tbs. brandy
6-8 pc Cloves
While custard is baking, prepare syrup by boiling sugar, water and orange or lemon peel for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add brandy and set aside.

Remove the Galaktoboureko from the oven and immediately spoon the syrup over the entire pan, particularly the edges. Cool thoroughly before cutting and serving.

Kali Orexi

Chef Gregory Zapantis

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